Personal information

Ankit Raj, Ph. D.

During the course of graduate studies, I was trained as an experimentalist in spectroscopy, particularly vibrational spectroscopy. At the same time, I learned about numerical techniques relevant to quantum chemistry and data-analysis techniques for analyzing and understanding spectroscopic datasets. I also learned to organize and work with large structured-datasets, both with standalone files and databases.

I received Bachelors in Science (Chemistry Hons.) from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 2013, followed by integrated Masters-Doctoral degree from NYCU, Hsinchu in 2021 working on “Standardization of Raman spectroscopy and the determination of Raman cross-sections”. Presently, I am working at Gakushuin University on time-resolved spectroscopy.

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  • Raman spectroscopy, instrument development and alignment
    • Condensed phase samples such as water, binary mixtures, liquid crystals; to study phenomena like molecular interactions and phase transitions.

    • Calibration of Raman spectrometers with the aim of using calibrated datasets to extract new physico-chemical insights

    • Gas phase samples while observing ro-vibrational transitions

  • Infrared absorption spectroscopy

  • IgorPro and Python for instrument control and data analysis

  • LabVIEW, Arduino, Raspberry pi for instrument control, sensing, synchronization, etc.

  • Metal based fabrication, design and machining for sampling setups

  • Languages

    • Lingual

      English (fluent), Hindi (fluent), Chinese (basic)

    • Programming

      IgorPro, Python, Bash, LabVIEW, FORTRAN, MySQL, php

Doctoral work

Standardization of Raman spectroscopy and determination of absolute Raman cross-sections” - NYCU, 2021 (Hsinchu, Taiwan) | PDF <>


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Contact : ankit.sciwork [at]